El Gato Feo
In 2021, Daniel wrote, directed and produced the award-winning short film, “El Gato Feo”. This a historical drama is about two estranged sisters on opposite sides of the Mexican Revolution. In 1914 Mexico, Luisa (Natalia Villegas) runs for her life from Pancho Villa's army only to discover her sister, Adelita (Esméralda Camargo), leading a small, military unit of women. As Luisa bonds with the other soldiers in her sister’s unit, Adelita must decide if she will hold on to her resentments towards Luisa or help her sister cross the Rio Grande River into Texas. That night, Adelita tells a story to embarrass Luisa –– a story about a street cat known as El Gato Feo [the Ugly Cat]. Trailer coming soon! Find out more at www.elgatofeomovie.com!
Lazer Team 2
In 2017, I co-wrote/directed Rooster Teeth’s second feature film, the sci-fi comedy Lazer Team 2, which propelled the team into space in search of their dear friend Woody. Along with work on the film, I edited the trailer you see below. Find it on iTunes and YouTube Red!
Let’s Play Live: The Documentary
Let’s Play Live is a half-hour documentary which follows Achievement Hunter, an online gaming group, as it turns online gaming into a first-of-its-kind live event at the Moody Theatre in Downtown Austin. Like rock stars. But for games. I directed and edited this one. Watch it on here!
Shaft Shots
This Rooster Teeth short garnered over 1 million views in less than a month. The idea is simple: It’s an app for all your dick pic needs! I wrote and directed this one!